What's wrong with Technorati?
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Conversation with Mark Fletcher, CEO of Bloglines
codepoetry :: Human-Readable RSS
Push: hype
The inspiring technology this time is RSS, a specification that allows easy syndication of news, blogs, and other frequently updated sources."
blog search
Gay.com Launches New Social Networking Features
Social Networking Services Meta List
About Elfster
A very social network and a fine idea.
connotea: about
More science oriented than
The Internet Topic Exchange
If you have a TrackBack-enabled blogging tool, you can also link to or ping and your post will appear in the channel."
An interesting idea that seems to be underused.
TrackBack Development
Docs, news, and tools surrounding blog trackbacks (a method of notification between websites).
Men Lazy, Women Talk Too Much
Blocking RSS advertising
Comments from developers from NetNewsWire, FeedDemon, and, later, Mark Fletcher of Bloglines.
Personally, I can read over some text ads. For example the
Trying to Remember New Passwords Isn't As Easy as ABC123
Ms. Prior knows that her display threatens to undermine the very security that passwords are supposed to promote. 'The IT people yell at me,' she says, referring to her company's information-technology staff."
Send an internal bill with the sticky! It certainly wakes up some managers ...
They completly loose for having some ugly floating 'join now' on their home page. I'm looking at their page for data and might well join if I could see the page! Amateurs. It requires a windows (only) download. There's three strikes right there. It looks like a 6-degrees chat with blogs outsourced. It also looks like they just created one for each user, stuffed them into google and then tried to make it buzzy.
Their out of here!
Kibop sure looks like Friendster. Profiles, photos, and birthday's are hardly anything special.
Searching around Blogchalking turned up the odd SocialGrid dating service which generates an extremely ugly barcode that one can google. Odd that no one made a good run with the idea. We certainly saw plenty of Geek Code and there has been Blogger Code floating around recently.
Is RSS Doomed by Popularity?
They point to RSScache (feed caching proxy) and KnowNow
(even-driven syndication) as solutions when just getting off of the desktop and onto a nice server-side application like bloglines works great. Heck, they'll even store and forward for you!
Bloglines | News: "We also announced that several leading
desktop aggregators,including FeedDemon, NetNewsWire and
BlogBot, will be supporting
the new functions, which will allow their users to synchronize their
desktop accounts with Bloglines."
The Paper Napkin email rejection service
The rejection blog as an rss feed.
Blogdigger Groups
You can create a Blogdigger Group using any blogs that have RSS feeds. Once you specify the feeds that comprise your Blogdigger Group you will be able to view the posts from those feeds, sorted by date, and even export your group in OPML or OCS, or subscribe to your Blogdigger Group as an RSS feed."
Yeash, YASN.
You have to be signed in to see anything, and there's not much to do. A quiet General Message Board and a few chat rooms. The profiles are long but there's no place to point to IM handles, blogs, or anything outside of the service. YAFriendster ...
via The Social Software Weblog
Deeper Thoughts on Netflix Friends
via Social Software Weblog
Jigsaw Contact Market
The Jigsaw platform is basically a cross between the online marketplace of eBay and the social networking site of Friendster.com. Jigsaw users are able to buy, sell and trade business contact information. "
Blog ethics movement afoot
Read and comment
Information Overload, RSS & Feed Envy
Information Overload, RSS & Feed Envy: "Over cocktails last night with Jenny and Steve and lots of other bloggers, it became apparent that the new challenge is how many feeds you can subscribe to in order to keep up with the changing material on the Web"
I've been on a tear seeking good data sources and am peaking at 444 feeds. And still, there is envy, I might miss something!
So long and thanks for all the links
Links from Tom Mangan, a features desk copy editor at the San Jose Mercury News
as found on Adrants
Kinja, the weblog guide
Nick Denton , Kinja's president, is the backer of a collection of weblog media projects, including Gawker and Gizmodo, niche online magazines dedicated to Manhattan gossip and high-tech gadgets respectively. Previously, he founded First Tuesday and Moreover Technologies."
Yet Another News Agitator, not unlike Blogging as breathing or how to find time for blogging?: "Asking me how much time I spend blogging, is treating blogging as an additional activity in my life (which it was at first), and feels to me like asking how much of my time I spend breathing.
My answers to this question are pretty similar: I can afford spending quite a lot of time blogging only because it's so integrated with my regular activities that it's not an add-on anymore."
MSN spaces
searching revealed too much ...
I have no idea what this is.
They tell me I should put this in my blog:
Blogchalking has been superseded by other, more effective markup techniques. Thus, I am officially abandoning what I had de facto abandoned quite some time ago.
XFN - XHTML Friends Network
Wikinews and the Growing Wikimedia Empire
Red Herring Redux? Not quite. :: AO
2004 Weblog Awards: Best Online Community
2004 Weblog Awards"
You'd think that they would have learned to use subdomains by now ...
2004weblogawards.com indeed!
Wiki Squatting
Statistics for www.boingboing.net
/rss.xml got considerately more hits (467326) than the home page / (164821).
Carlo's Bootleg RSS Feedpalooza
Some good gaming and comix feeds
Chief Blogging Officer
The idea is to make it easy for bloggers to enhance their blogs with information found on the HighBeam Research Engine
via Big Blog Company
Dunno, looks like more of the same to me ...
MSN Spaces
Create blog entries and publish your thoughts for the world to see.
See what visitors to your space say about your blog.
Search other people’s blogs to find the information you want.
Upload photos from your mobile phone to your blog.
Create and manage your space from a mobile phone."
via SFist
More info and some pointers via Robin Good and
Boing Boing
Lemon Tonic
Bloglines | News
possible: 5 to 12 minutes after a blog entry has been saved it will exist
in the blogsnow index. below every topic you will find a link called 'track this ...'. On those pages you will find weblogs that discuss the topic in question."
If you already use a different site just add blogsnow for a few days. You will be surprised how many of those 'emerging topics' on other sites will be visited links for you.
Vander Wal
Attention.XML is an open standard, built on open source that helps you keep track of what you've read, what you're spending time on, and what you should be paying attention to.
Attention.XML is an XML file that contains an outline of feeds/blogs, where each feed itself is an outline, and each post is also an outline under the feed. This hierarchical outline structure is then annotated with per-feed and per-post information which captures such information as, the last time the feed/post was accessed, the duration of time spent on the feed/post, recent times of feed/post access, user set (dis)approval of posts, etc.
Attention.XML doc
and a prototype