Dethklok, World's Most Brutal Metal Band

Dethklok! Dethklok!





Dethklok! Dethklok!

Skwisgaar Skwigelf
Taller than a tree

Toki Wartooth
Not a bumblebee

William Murderface
Murderface Murderface

Pickles The Drummer
Doodily doo ding-dong doodily-doodily doo

Nathan Explosion!

- Metalocalypse theme

Making of Dethklok, an interview with Brendon Small and Tommy Blacha.

"You may recognize this one, 'though it has not been sung for a few thousand years," - Awaken Mustakrakish

"You people out there give us something more than just record sales ... you give us something to hate." - Fan Song

"Finally, thank you for coming to see DETHKLOK live. We understand you have many METAL concert choices out there and they will all be crushed by DETHKLOK." - Pain Waiver

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Warcraft Social Network: Warcraft & Social, No longer an Oxymoron

Warcraft Social Network: "is a social utility that connects you with other players in the game. Registration is totally FREE and easy."

Eeep. How weird and nitch. Doubt this will ever come out of 'revisit' status .... Oh, and yet another rssless wonder.

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The Pound - RIP

"Sunday the 22nd was the last show at The Pound in San Francisco. Evidently, the club was evicted for reasons beyond its control by the city's Port Authority. The Pound was the place to see metal and hardcore punk in San Francisco for the past five years."


"Unless you were seriously committed to black metal or hardcore, you probably never had a reason to make the long trek to the remote location in the sketchy no-man's land of Pier 96.

Though the Slim's/Great American Music Hall axis will surely pick up some of the slack, another mid-sized club could easily step in to fill the need."


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Zawinski's law

Zawinski's law of software envelopment: "Every program attempts to expand until it can read mail. Those programs which cannot so expand are replaced by ones which can."

Humm, Zawinski's Law appears to apply everywhere ...

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Spokeo - Trillian for Your Social Networks

Spokeo - Trillian: "currently supports social networks Bebo, Facebox, Friendster, MySpace, Wretch, Xanga; blog, photo, and miscellaneous sites Blogger, DeviantArt, Digg, Flickr, Fotolog, ImageStation, LiveJournal, PhotoBucket, PictureTrail, Piczo, WebShots, Windows Live Spaces, Yahoo Video, YouTube."

Spokeo's a nice interface to other interfaces. It doesn't get to Myspace bulletins or show schedules were I find the value in that system. Haven't pointed it at many other YASNs yet. Looks like it's centered on a user logged into Spokeo and poking at other networks. No way to link other people's accounts together, or notes, or tags. Doesn't look like they'll make it into an identity aggregator or even a landing page. Oh well, wait and see.

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Vox is yet another blogging tool from Six Apart, Ltd. It has options for connecting to people and managing privacy at the same time.

We enabled cross-posting on public Vox posts to your LiveJournal.

ashub's vox

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What's new in Blogger?: "Your account won't just be a Blogger account any longer, but a full-fledged Google Account, with all the extra security and convenience that provides. If you already have a Google Account, you can merge your Blogger account with it when you switch."

If your blog is relatively private, you can choose who you want to be able to view it, and restrict access to everyone else.

Log into http://beta.blogger.com/ to access your account's new features.

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Session: "How big a bummer was Prohibition? As if taking everyone’s brew away wasn’t bad enough, hundreds of little independent breweries that once made super tasty beers basically got worked. And when they went out of business, America not only lost the breweries – it lost what American beer used to taste like. Session is our way of bringing back the pre-Prohibition American Lager. It’s an all-malt Continental Pilsner brewed with American and European hops"

Oregon’s Full Sail Brewing puts rock, paper and scissors symbols on the underside of bottle caps on its Session lager, a quick way for beer-drinkers to decide who should buy the next round.

Oh! I had no idea that Full Sail made it, I'll have to try it again ...


Brown wants to expand GPS monitoring beyond tracking sex offenders

Brown wants to expand GPS monitoring beyond tracking sex offenders: "Brown, who begins his new job in January, is keenly interested in using technology to shore up the Oakland Police Department's understaffed force.

It seems likely -- some legal experts say it's inevitable -- that the growth and expansion of electronic tethers to monitor and restrict society's most-violent offenders is the future of crime and punishment."

Ugg. Round up the usual suspects.



klostu.com: "Signup to the system is limited to BETA users only. "

Oh, fine, a dozen blogs start hyperventilating and it's beta only. Bleh. Where's my invite social network network?

Matthew Hurst talks about his account: "Klostu offers a single web identity - like a board or blog profile with no associated publication. Your Klostu home page (here's mine) is composed of the now familiar drag-and-drop editable AJAX style page."

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Bloglines Glimpse and Playlists

Bloglines: "Playlists lets you create short groupings of feeds to access from your main list. Want a quick look of those Playlists you just created? That's what Glimpse is for. Click on one of your Playlists in your left nav and you'll see the first five posts for every feed in that Playlist."

Humm, messed with them a couple of times. I don't really see the point. A tease of news like Newsburst or Google Homepage. I much prefer a feed or a river to a tease ...

We're All Prisoners

We're All Prisoners, Now: "The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has proposed that all airlines, cruise lines-even fishing boats-be required to obtain clearance for each passenger they propose taking into or out of the United States."


Facebook adds blogging feature

Facebook adds blogging feature: "social networking site Facebook has added a blogging feature that lets users 'share thoughts and stories with friends' via a Notes page that they are assiduously not calling a blog."

Oh, yay, yet another almost ran. Facebook opened reg, too. I'll try to contain my excitement.

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Cultspace FAQ: "You must make your own cult if you want to be part of a cult. Cultspacers are leaders, not followers! If you want to support a cult, you can start one of your own and team up."

Cult of Cultspace

The Cult of the Flying Spaghetti Monster


D) All of the above.

*Asteriskianity is its own footnote.



Google Talk You can connect to the Google Talk service using Google's own client, as well as your favorite Jabber/XMPP client

LJ Talk Talk to your LiveJournal friends in real time with LJ Talk, LiveJournal's new instant messaging feature. LJ Talk uses Jabber.



Logged in to orkut to clean out a bunch of whingemail. It certainly is faster, but, there's still not much activity in the communities. Plus it's still does not play well with others, some rss feeds or poking around without being logged in would be grand. However, gazing at the Antisocial Networks Community is worth the price of admission.

Ashton @ orkut

There so much 'gimmie account' on my 43Things that I even cleaned things and 'will help' settings.

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Dethklok! Dethklok!





Dethklok! Dethklok!

Skwisgaar Skwigelf

Taller than a tree

Toki Wartooth

Not a bumblebee

William Murderface

Murderface Murderface

Pickles The Drummer

Doodily doo ding-dong doodily-doodily doo

Nathan Explosion!

Finally, thank you for coming to see DETHKLOK live. We understand you have many METAL concert choices out there and they will all be crushed by DETHKLOK.

Pain Waver

Dethklok, World's Most Brutal Metal Band

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MyBlogLog: "everyone who reads a web site or blog can learn about and engage with one another. Readers can become friends with other people who read your favorite blogs."

Yay! YASNN! Oh, well. I'll resist messing with the sidebars or link pages for a while ...

Ashub @ MyBlogLog

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