
I received an invite from Rojo and have been mucking with it. Hard to imagine that it will ever supplant Bloglines, it might augment it. I started with a subset of their 'Rojo Picks by Topic' in Technology - Bloggers, Top Bloggers, and Web 2.0. If you'd like to share stories in this sphere comment or connect via Rojo id ashton.


43Things: New Features Just Launched: Cheers, Cities, Help, and more!

The Robot Co-op: New Features Just Launched: Cheers, Cities, Help, and more!: "Hello Quackers! The latest version of 43 Things is now live.

Lots of new zeitgeist pages including “Popular completed goals,” “Entries by people doing the same things as you,” and “How other people are tagging goals that you have”"

Even more goodness to an already addictive site.

New Entries has been my favorite rss feed for weeks


CodeCon 2005

CodeCon 2005: "CodeCon 2005 - February 11-13 - Club NV, San Francisco

CodeCon is the premier showcase of cutting edge software development. It is a workshop for developers of real-world applications with working code and active development projects. All presentations will be given by one of the active developers, and accompanied by a functional demo."


Stuper Bowl

Super Bowl (our unofficial national holiday) ads are going for 2.4 million dollars for a 30-second spot. Odd that contact-lens maker Novartis would blow a wad when it's hard to connect their brand to football (various offers for free product/exams to officals aside.) Returning to The Bubble Bowl (when over a dozen internet companies blew $40 million on ads, and then most of them went out of business) domain registrar Go Daddy has decided to
double down
. Someone over there clearly needs to be branded.

"You wouldn't put a Bud ad in Vouge, but with TV we've lost that [logic]." - Al Ries of brand consultancy Ries & Reis




del.icio.us and flikr tags shown together

I'm fond of the 43Things implementation.


The Quest for Getting Things Done

I gave away a copy of Getting Things Done by David Allen knowing that it would be easy to get another. Five bookstores and several 'it should be right here's later, I had to special order one which ended up being a bit too much fun. I pulled the bookstore membership card and coupon from an alphabetic folder and put it in a Tickler File and made a note on a Waiting action list. When the call came in I had the card and coupon in hand, walked right over and got the book for free. Getting Things Done!


Online Social Networking 2005

Online Social Networking 2005: "OSN2005 will be a summit for all those interested in working with social networking processes, tools, and media. In addition to attending many workshops, panels, and presentations by leading experts and practitioners, attendees will have the opportunity to be part of a community with a significant role in defining the future direction of online social networking. "

Online Conference, February 9-23, 2005 $35