Multiple calendars, rss feeds for each, nice search, multiple events added to a calendar at once. Nice!
Yahoo! 360
Messy menus and lots and lots of options well hidden. I'm still looking for that 'favorite quote' box that I saw once. I sent out a stack of invites and will be able to try more bells and whistles once I have a few more friends to social.
I did find list of Yahoo! Employees, though., which is probably where most of the invites flowed from.
I really wish that I had one of Tribe's new user profiles to try the two out side-by-side ...
20050328 | one search. all jobs.
Nice interface and you can get results via rss or email.
COMMON Network
"We are the only online networking application to incorporate a reputation system. Our multi-directional approach creates a dynamic, self-regulating environment, with Advocates rating Seekers, Seekers rating Advocates and Contacts rating Advocates. Members police their own environment, reducing the tendency for unwelcome activity."
Poked at a couple of friend invites, looked for interesting groups, noted a total lack of rss feeds. Very nice customization of blog available.
XFN - XHTML Friends Network
Yahoo 360
Nice overview of the soon-to-be-beta (a real live beta, not a beta forever).
Tribe User Profile Preview - Tribe Browser Policy Explained
Funny, they're supporting Firefox, but, pages load soooo slow (multiple platforms, most recent stable browser) that it's hardly worth reading the noise. Even tabbed browsing won't help when the whole browser locks up while trying to render. And, yes, I've tweeked the multi-thread options.
Charlene Li's Blog: First look at Yahoo! 360
the ability to look narrow local business reviews by their network"
There goes Tuesday March 29th!
Yahoo adds Creative Commons search for locating reusable content - Wikinews
Newsmashing - The new technique that will change blogging forever.
I'm finding trackbacks but no one running with the idea. It seems like a fine Firefox extension ...
20050322 News: Jon Udell Inspires New Development
Jon Udell posted some insightful comments
about today. I absolutely agree with everything he's said.
After my son was born, I set major development aside, but no more!
Within the next seven days, I'm committing myself to finishing some long-requested features on the site."
Finally! and Yay!
43 Folders Wiki
Whoa. Not quite ready for use, but, quite the proof of concept.
Identity: toward an internet publicity policy
Perhaps we need a “publicity policy” for 2.0 websites. A publicity policy could make clear that information on 43 Things is public: that the site is about sharing your goals with others"
"offline, no one knows you are a talented photographer, that you want
to learn Italian, that you discover great links or know some great people"
- Josh Petersen
Thoughts on Flickr and Yahoo (by Jeremy Zawodny): "There are many parts of Yahoo that will be Flickrized in the coming months. And with more resources available, Flickr itself will be able to grow like never before."
"does one thing and does it well"
"makes extensive and intuitive use of RSS"
The story unfolds at Flickr: FlickrCentral
Anti Social Behaviour Order
GameOptics LCD Display
Have no life and get your game on and pretend that you have a life!
Network analysis of the Flickr population
Interesting graph photoset
Google Developing An Internet Operating System?
Google's future plans, quoted saying it is a "Web-based thin
client-type hosted environment-slash-operating system
Extending Wikipedia to include everything. The next stage of social networking
Wikipedia is the perfect platform on which to bring everything under the sun together. ... Every person, place, thing, and event would be assigned a unique ID"
Frightening! (in a fun sort of way)
Life Hacks Live
43Things Sings!
the fairy-tale promise of wrangling all the crap in your life
through prioritization.
- Merlin Mann
If you've got four people going to a concert, before the key is
turned in the ignition, everyone holds the ticket to their
foreheads and verifies that everyone else has a ticket. There's
something satisfying about making it hard to screw up -- it's
like clipping mittens to your sleeves.
- Merlin Mann
Why keyboard shortcuts?
Obvious to geeks. It all comes back to
Apple R&D shows
that keyboarding is only perceived as faster, while using the
mouse is actually faster.
Power users are delusional.
- Danny O'Brien
Technically Inexperienced People (TIPpies) are
NEVER in a flow state. If you try to help people who are battling
their computers, they're never concentrating on their task, never
in flow. The trick is to stay in your chosen app and not make the
- Alice Taylor > OpenSearch
"We want OpenSearch to do for search what RSS has done for content."
Google Code
Soap on a rope!
the Unwisdom of Crowds
The question for all of us is, how can you have interaction without information cascades, without losing the independence that's such a key factor in group intelligence? First one: the best thing to do is to keep your ties loose. You're better off, and the group is better off, if the ties are looser, because loose ties minimize the influence of those around you. Second, keep yourself exposed to as much information as possible. Injecting some level of randomnesss into the system is a good thing.
All Complex Ecosystems Have Parasites
The long tail -- Chris Anderson's name for the 95% of media that
isn't top sellers, but which, in aggregate, accounts for more
than half the money on the table for media vendors -- is the tail
of bottom-feeders and improbable denizens of the ocean's thermal
vents. We're unexpected guests at the dinner table and we have
the nerve to demand a full helping."
Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace
Apply CSS to Specific Sites
Ah, greasemonkey does this well with a whole stack of contributed scripts.
how to blog
if you havent written about sex, religion, and politics in a week youre probably playing it too safe, which means you probably fucked up on #5, in which case start a second blog and keep your big mouth shut about it this time.
remember: nobody cares which N*Sync member you are, what State you are, which Party of Five kid you are, or which Weezer song you are. the second you put one of those things on your blog you need to delete your blog and try out for the marching band. similarilly, nobody gives a shit what the weather is like in your town, nobody wants you to change their cursor into a butterfly, nobody wants to vote on whether your blog is hot or not, and nobody gives a rat ass what song youre listening to. write something Real for you, about you, every day."
Funny, guess that means that we should delete LiveJournal, en masse?
Google Sets
Lifehacker: "points to it's use as thesaurus."
I hadn't noticed a Google group per app before ...
Sifry Updates
What a Slashdotting Looks Like |
Nice spike!
Yahoo! 360�
Yahoo blogs teaser!
Marc's Voice: "Now imagine that Yahoo - in addition to hosuing all this end-user content - ALSO enabled folks ot easily contribute it to shared, public servers? "
Charlene Li's Blog: "Be able to see reviews from people within your social network."
"The beta will start on March 29th."
Amazon's Improbable Phrases
Google X
Google search catagories as OS X icons (mouseover).
Yanked: "It looks like Google X, the new search tool in the style of Mac OS X published today,
is gone."
Costly 'Free Ride' Sustains Authority
RSS Screensaver
Now that's just odd.
Lovely name! A web-based RSS reader ...
Buzz Game: Home
Resource Rate
Blogs as browser start pages?
RSS Kills! News at Eleven!
My browser startup has been about:mozilla for many years ...
20050312 � What is Structured Blogging?
what we want to do is create structure (in the form of XML) around each of these types of entries, to organize the data inside and to let machine readers - other programs, sites, and aggregators - better understand the content."
Whoa! Just so. Also, All Consuming
Double Silly Tagging!
Slashdot | 'Spamalot' Subscribers to Get Spam ... a Lot
Sticky Silver-Bullets all around!
Factsheet 5 :: Your guide to zines and alternative publishing
Nice website, looks like they have several clues.
Tagsy: universal tag-based content aggregator
powerful Firefox extension coming to a browser near you!
Microsoft Test Web Based Aggregator - Snubs Firefox
So, wanna see what might be coming soon, in answer to Ask Jeeves' Bloglines? Of course you do!
Sifry's Alerts: Regarding Technorati's Community Manager, Niall Kennedy
"To address the censorship charge that was thrown about head-on: we do not censor people's blogs, and we take the censorship allegation extremely seriously. I actively encourage our employees to blog, and to express their opinions. However, ..."
Niall Kennedy's Weblog: Whose voice is it anyway?
"I failed to comprehend the effects of my actions on Technorati" - Niall Kennedy
Google News (BETA)
Zeitgeist on 43 Things
I took a look at the Zeitgeist and, lo,Trueheart wants to practice discardia was there!
Yahoo! Publisher Network
Bloglines Plumber
I'm the Bloglines Plumber. Bloglines is down for a little fixer upper. We will be back by 8:30Pm Pacific Time tonight, Monday March 7, 2005. Bloglines will be all better when I'm done with it.
The Bloglines Plumber "
Niall Kennedy's Weblog: Bloggers seen as loose lips
Whoa. Technorati - the new old-school medium.
Update: a disclamer was added and the pix Some blogger blabbed...
Otaku, Cedric's weblog: Another bookmarklet
SOAP is boring, wake up Big Vendors or get niched
New posting interface to ; painlessly reusing your tags
Humm, I haven't found more than a way to get a search box, but, seeing counts and tags for a url is great.
Guys? Welcome to the Internet."
Sheesh, I popped into LJ to post and there were all of these shrill warnings about Frienditto (which looks like it's melting).
Blog Threat levels
Copy any of the individual script text into your HTML template to get the alert level it appears beneath. "
Functional Blogging
Oh, dear, more terms as obtuse as folksonomy ...
Unlinking from Social Networks: Part 2
that has just about a 100 respondents.
I plan to rework the poll, and press on with my retreat from SNAs. Next are ZeroDegrees, Spoke, Orkut, Friendster,, and so on. More to follow."
As facilitating as a train wreck, now with graphs!
Social Networking Services Meta List
Less Impact from the "Slashdot Effect"
Over the past year, the Slashdot effect has begun to fizzle. Nowadays, a mention on Slashdot typically increases Tom's traffic by just 5% to 10%, Rahmat says. The boost also is more temporary, "usually peaking within one to two hours and almost completely over in three,".
Slashdot is looking more and more like a big fish in a huge and growing pond. "
Feed me! Is something that I cry often! More!
Finally, Accessible Gmail
RojoBlog: CNET on Rojo
Contextual chattering good!
Friendster befriends blogs--and fees
Friendster, which recently defended its ad-based revenue model and disavowed any plans for fees, introduced three paid upgrade packages with Friendster Blogs."
Tags as weighted list! It will certainly help to weed out stray or misspelled tags.
Accessible Folksonomies: Accessibility, Usability and Web Standards
surprised to note that each site shared most the same accessibility problems:"
With a sample page implementing the recommendations.
Open Loops: A Next Action Paradox
Open Loops: There's a Hole in the Bucket Dear Liza, Dear Liza...
Jotter Wallet - For recording items on the run."
Ditto on the Palm. An entry had a high collation factor. Especially because I kept some stuff in ToDo, some in BrainTree, and some in Memos. Plus on, password, some navigation ... Whereas I use a pocket flip pad consistently.
biologging | a community website for biomedical researchers
YAFolksonomy, but, what a keen word/url they've got!
BlogShares - Rich Site Summary Feeds
BlogShares offers a variety of RSS feeds
There are also industry and user portfolio feeds available.