
Slashdot | Filtering RSS Through Your Social Web: "Cory Lok assesses the methods, competition and prospects of Rojo, a venture-funded startup RSS aggregator."

Arrrg! Slashdotted. Going to be tough to scam an invite now.


All Consuming

All Consuming: "All Consuming is a website that visits recently updated weblogs every hour, checking them for links to books on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Book Sense, and other book sites.

This site was inspired by Book Watch, and uses web services from Weblogs.com, Amazon.com, Technorati.com, and Alexa.com."

Comments by members, TrackBacks, and weblog summaries!

Just inserted my reading list into this blog template.


43 is the number of the feed!


Now I have to figure out how I can explain to people that 43 Things, while very cool, is totally unrelated to 43 Folders

The Mythical Man-Month

D'oh! In the whole GTD, 43 Folders feeding frenzy I forget the classic laying in wait on the bookshelf at work.

Silly DeeDee!

The Mythical Man-Month
: Essays on Software Engineering is a classic book on software project management written by Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.

His observation, known as Brooks' Law, was simple: "Adding manpower to a late software project makes it later." Brooks' law is often summarized as 'Nine women cannot have a baby in one month'.


Russell Beattie Notebook - Serialized eBooks via RSS

Russell Beattie Notebook - Serialized eBooks via RSS: "I added a new feature to Mobdex. You can now subscribe serially to any of the ebooks there. Simply find a book, note it's ID number, then subscribe to the RSS feed like this:


Oh! Rock! I'm already enjoying the Ulysses via rss and this opens a whole new can of worms!


The Shifted Librarian: RSStress

The Shifted Librarian: RSStress: "The increase in the number of feeds will leave many users frustrated, as there is a limit to the number feeds one can scan and read. Current numbers suggest that readers can handle 150-200 feeds without too much stress. But users will want to read more and more as new interesting feeds become available and they run into the limitations of the metaphor of current aggregator applications."

Oh! Good name for a blog. I blew right past 600 feeds before creating folders for Urgent (meaning noisy) vs Important. A Google News feed allowed me to bail a whole stack of news feeds, but, I still keep a few in a 'do not bother to read folder'. Still trying to pare and focus the feeds ...


memeorandum: A newfangled news tangle

memeorandum: A newfangled news tangle: "memeorandum presents an automated hourly synopsis of the latest online news and opinion, combining weblog commentary with traditional news reports"

A great idea that does not seem to be working for me. I read it via rss, click though every day or so, but, don't find much there there. I have more hope for Relevanta with it's odd markup of background data, reputation scoring, and antispamming. The layout is quite different with one pannel for feed articles and one for locally created news.

"Relevanta provides a unique, community-driven approach to information gathering and reputation management. Based on the firm belief in the wisdom of community, Relevanta relies on and rewards members for their involvement."


so this is mass communication?: rss, where art thou?

so this is mass communication?: rss, where art thou?: "Syndication is key. I have become such a snob that I won't read a blog if I can't dump it into my BlogLines account. Okay, snob is a bit harsh. It is more about convenience. I don't have time to search out every nifty blog I come across every day to see if there is a new post. I want it delivered to me."

Heh! What she said. I've settled down to bloglines, del.icio.us, a couple of bookmarklets, and hardly any browser bookmarks.


Why do Wiki RSS Feeds Suck?

Why do Wiki RSS Feeds Suck? (by Jeremy Zawodny): "That's all these seem to be: change notification feeds. 'So and so change this node, but I'm not going to tell you how they changed it or even what it says no. You need to come back to me, the all powerful Wiki for that! (insert evil laugh)"

Hear! Hear! Not even Wikinews provides a useful feed when it could be a useful news source as well as a call to arms.